I've had a few small jobs, my favourite being a llama painting that I never got a copy of because I got excited about giving it to the llama owner. But I have the reference pictures still (oops. kinda.) and really want to do some more llama paintings.
Anyway. I have a sketch. It is for the logo of my parent's hobby turned obsession horse farm. Yeah, yeah, stuff for parents doesn't count. But they are regulars in the arab horse circuit in Arkansas, so even that much attention is appreciated. Besides, I'm going to paint it on their trailer (whether they like it or not) so that I can get some use out of where my tuition money went one year. And by the name of the farm I can see where my bad sense of humour came from. The name? "Snowball's Chance Farm" .... or something like that.

On to the sketch. I just quickly did this in photoshop with my wacom<3 but will have to move it over to my pc to work on it in illustrator (technical difficulty #4) so it will be all nice and vectory. Of course there I will obsess for days to create the perfect flame/mane/puddle wavy lines. I'm very unhappy with the puddle but figured it'd be easier to fix in illustrator. I feel successful with the horse silhouette but I'm afraid I may have to put more of a dish in the head to make it look more like an arab. Even though I think that would look silly... but those horses are silly looking anyway. I always think the drawings of arabs look fake and over done and then I look at the actual horses and realize they look fake and over done too. My parents horses are all fatheaded though, so maybe I won't dish the face more.
Suggestions are welcome. But I'm certain this will be done before Friday, for the nagging is getting unbearable. But the pay is nice. I might demand that sort of pay from now on. "Yes Mr. Art director, the payment will be slipping me some money as I need it and two dozen snickerdoodles. Thank you."